About Us 

News Ripples is a contemporary business-friendly digital magazine introduced to fill a stark void existing in the e-publishing market today. While there exist many magazines and news portals in the market today, most are averse to giving a fair voice to news emanating from businesses and enterprises.

At News Ripples we believe that such an approach is unfair to readers as this denies them the right to get real time news updates on businesses, which can directly benefit them. News Ripples has been created to address this gap. We are here to provide our readers the latest developments happening in the world of businesses and brands, with special focus on brand news which consumers can use. We exclusively focus on news which has a business dimension, and an extended impact or benefit for the citizens at large.

For brands, News Ripples is a platform to engage with your audience in a meaningful manner.

You can reach out to us at the following email IDs:

For Press Release submission- desk@newsripples.com

For advertising & collaboration opportunities- sales@newsripples.com

For general queries, HR, editorial feedback- contact@newsripples.com