Students of PIET Awarded Three Prizes for Innovation in Smart India Hackathon 2020

Smart India Hackathon is a nationwide initiative by the govt, to provide students a platform to find solutions to the difficulties faced by people in day-to-day lives. 

In the Smart India Hackathon (SIH), a flagship event of the Government of India, 11 teams from Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology (PIET) qualified for the final round of Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2020. Out of these, three teams emerged as winning for their groundbreaking innovative solutions. The institute secured first prize in two categories, that are ‘Smart Communication’ and ‘Healthcare & Biomedical Devices’, and it also secured third prize in the ‘Smart Cities’ category.

Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology has fast evolved as the nerve center of ideation and innovations in India. The institute’s approach to make its students think “out of the box”, develop skill sets like critical thinking, higher order thinking and a problem solving mindset has borne fruit in the form this huge win.

Smart India Hackathon (SIH) is a countrywide project to provide students a platform to work out solutions for some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives. It encourages a culture of product innovation and an approach to problem solving amongst students in India.

SIH is a flagship event of the Government of India and Prime Minister addressed the students at the grand finale of Smart India Hackathon 2020 via video conferencing. He communicated his vision on the importance of a tech enabled India and the new paradigm of Indian education ecosystem.

Team ‘Bored Coders’ from PIET secured the first prize in the category ‘Smart Communication’, for the solution provided for IFS global issues. Team ‘Idea and Stommers’ also secured the first prize in the category ‘Healthcare & Biomedical Devices’ for a solution for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the. The third team from PIET ‘Tech Monks’ achieved third position in the ‘Smart Cities’ category.

Speaking about the three wins, Mr. Rakesh Tayal, Vice Chairman, Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology said “We try and develop skillset of the students at PIET in order for them to stand out by thinking beyond the theoretical barriers and stepping into the realms of ‘out of the box’ thinking and practical knowledge. This approach is going to help the students in their future endeavours, as they enter Industry. I look forward to students participating in many more such challenegs and find solutions through innovation. I express my appriacition to the government for giving a platform for students.”